$50.00 USD


No Refunds

Private coaching takes a lot of energy and commitment on both ends. If you go into this container thinking, "Oh, if this doesn't go as I planned, then I'll just ask for a refund." You are setting yourself up for that situation exactly. It's all down to mindset and attitude. If you come into this program feeling grateful for this opportunity and excited for what will come next for you and your business, then that will happen!



Things happen in life. We all go through things and seasons, but what does that have to do with you truly helping people? Complaining about what you have to do or the things happening to you takes you out of the driver’s seat and puts you in victim mode. As a victim, you don’t have a SAY in what you want to create, do or change. You become powerless and it’s not productive. I want our time spent together to talk about what’s possible, not what’s a problem.


Be the client you would like to have in your business. Remember, we all get what we put out there so think of that “dream client” and BE that in your interactions. 

Is Paramedical Tattooing Right for You?


Whew! There’s something stirring up inside of you and you just can’t quite explain it, but you feel excited and curious again.

You feel like you’re moving up a level, like as we speak, and you’re looking around for someone to guide you as you rise. Good thinking.

Think of the Career Breakthrough as a de-risk assessment to know the challenges, options and possibilities to deciding if paramedical tattooing is right for you before investing into a training program and changing careers!

Having started my own paramedical tattoo business from ground zero to multiple 6-figures, trained and mentored hundreds of new artists (many who you probably follow and admire), to speaking on stages and being featured in major media outlets...I can confidently say, I know a thing or two about what makes for successful entrepreneurs in the paramedical tattoo space.

Test out and confirm whether paramedical tattooing is right for you based on your unique natural gifts, passion and more importantly, the challenges you'll face and need to consider before investing into a full training certification. 

Save time, money and your resources before making a huge investment, first.

Here’s how it works after you purchase:

  • You will be immediately brought to our personality assessment form geared towards the paramedical tattoo industry to fill out so I can get the full picture of who you are.

  • Please be in a space where you can focus and be fully present when filling out the form to maximize your full potential and personal feedback.
  • Once I receive your information and go over it in great detail, I will record and send you a video of me going over everything you shared.

  • I will be sharing my screen and will also provide any feedback that is necessary for you to have your Career Breakthrough.

  • You will also receive tips on how to jumpstart your paramedical tattoo business, the best ways to save time and money as you start, and any other advice that is fitting to your personality and circumstances. Think of this as me stopping over for a visit and helping you navigate the world of paramedical tattooing!

  • Your personal and custom video will be sent to you within 72 hours so you can start executing the advice I offer you. Easy peasy!

If you’re at the point in your business where you want to influence more people and bring in more income without it taking up all of your time, I can help.