$500.00 USD


No Refunds

Private coaching takes a lot of energy and commitment on both ends. If you go into this container thinking, "Oh, if this doesn't go as I planned, then I'll just ask for a refund." You are setting yourself up for that situation exactly. It's all down to mindset and attitude. If you come into this program feeling grateful for this opportunity and excited for what will come next for you and your business, then that will happen!



Things happen in life. We all go through things and seasons, but what does that have to do with you truly helping people? Complaining about what you have to do or the things happening to you takes you out of the driver’s seat and puts you in victim mode. As a victim, you don’t have a SAY in what you want to create, do or change. You become powerless and it’s not productive. I want our time spent together to talk about what’s possible, not what’s a problem.


Be the client you would like to have in your business. Remember, we all get what we put out there so think of that “dream client” and BE that in your interactions.

Late Policy

I value and respect time greatly because I know it’s finite. You can always make more money, but you can’t make more time and so for that reason, I have a hard 10 minute stop. If you show up late and past our scheduled time of agreement by 10 minutes, you completely forfeit your entire coaching session and will have to reschedule for another day. I show up 100% prepared for my clients and expect the same from them.

Helping artists book dream clients and make sales every day is my jam.

Having sold my first business in 2018 that doubled in size and locations to building my current one to multiple 6-figures (on my own), I know a lot about scaling, hiring, marketing and selling

If you’re at the point in your business where you want to influence more people and bring in more income without it taking up all of your time, I can help.

Think of me as the Marie Kondo of your business. We’re not only going to clean things up so you can see what you have working for you, but we’re also going to create a way for you to have more time, balance, freedom, and income in your business.

I'm not your typical coach

I believe in setting clear and solid boundaries so you never have to feel drained again. I believe in pricing your work appropriately so you never have to feel like this doesn’t make sense. And I also believe that you should be seeing multiple leads pop in your inbox every day while you’re busy doing whatever it is you want to be doing.

I tend to think outside of the box and have always attributed my success to mindset, mentorships and self-improvement

My One-on-One Biz Coaching is perfect for you if...

  • You're punctual, super coachable and respect our time together

  • Your curiosity drives you more than your fears

  • You love to soak up knowledge and you’re open to new approaches and techniques to grow your business

  • You’re a good listener and fast action taker

  • You inherently believe there is always more to learn 

* We might not be a good fit if..

  • You’re looking for someone to do the work for you
  • You don’t really want to do anything and looking for a quick fix
  • You’re not willing to learn anything new and question nothing
  • You put things off until the last minute and then flake out
  • You tend to play victim and it's always someone else's fault

So how does this work?

Coaching with me is completely custom to your needs. I meet you where you are and we move forward from there. Coaching sessions are 90 minutes long and recorded on Zoom and then emailed to you right after to have on file (and start taking action!).

After payment is made, you will be directed to your next steps that include the link to my calendar and an assessment form to fill out so that I can research and be 100% prepared to dig deep in our time together!

All this to say, I'm the best thing to happen to your business and I know I can help you simplify, sell, and succeed without burning out and going broke